Friday, March 16, 2018

ISLAM - A Perspective (4.Communal Harmony)

“You say that Islam propagates peace; but in most of the Islamic Republics violence keeps erupting every now and then. Terrorism has become a way of daily life in most of these countries,” seems to be the legitimate question raised by many. “You say that religions advocate peace; then why is that there are so many conflicts in the name of religion?” is the question generally addressed to the people who follow any religion.

The answer to religious conflicts and terrorism is one and the same. People do not follow the values and tenets or principles that religions teach. Instead they use religion as a mere identification, collection of rituals and as a tool to dominate others. This has led to the present situation. We shall briefly see what Islam has to offer to tackle these two issues that are disrupting peace world over.  

Unity in diversity
The different religions and principles are an inseparable part of history. There is a convergence of views between different religions as also divergence. Even within the same religion, there are differing views. Therefore, unity in diversity is the only practical solution feasible. This would lead to unity. The society that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) created in Medina was a pluralistic society. There were Muslims as also Jews. In the city of Najran, just outside Medina, Christians lived. All of them lived together without any conflict.

Do not hurt the Feelings
One of the main reasons for religious conflicts is because people denigrate and malign other religions. On one side, the religious folks attack each other. On the other, in the name of freedom of expression, the incidence of people without any religious affiliations attacking religions is on the increase. People stoop to defame religious leaders, who are held in high esteem by their communities, by depicting them in cartoons and obscene pictures. Mostly these are not constructive and rational criticisms. Such people indulge in this just to gain some cheap popularity and increasing the sales. They forget that the freedom of expression comes with a responsibility. They also forget that all such freedom is not without limits!

The Holy Quran ordains us to desist from hurting the feelings. “Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance.” (Holy Quran 6:108). We can critique a religion without igniting passions and in a logical manner appealing to the intellect. We can also espouse the cause of our own religion in an eloquent and gracious manner. “Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious.” (Holy Quran 16:125). The Holy Quran has also critiqued other philosophies but without hurting their sentiments and belittling or demeaning them in anyway.

Do not get emotional about criticisms
When someone criticizes or attacks your religion, do not get emotional, advises Islam. Just as any idea or a view-point has support, so also it is natural to have opposition for that as well. People who are happy when receiving endorsements about their view-points should also be patient when they get opposing and differing views. When people lose patience and indulge in violent activities, peace in society is bound to be disrupted. Their principles get weakened and receive a setback as well.

When Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) propagated Islam, people ridiculed him and the tenets he preached. He was vilified as a ‘liar’, ‘sorcerer’ and of unsound mind. They said that Holy Quran was written by someone and taught to the Prophet (pbuh). They further added that he was lying that the Holy Quran was revealed to him by God. They scoffed at him saying that this was a myth from their ancestors. They created poems chiding him. Even after all these incidents, the prophet (pbuh) never once asked his followers to attack his detractors, and even after assuming the leadership of Medina he did not do so. He advised his followers to be patient and act in accordance with the will of God. He also exhorted them to ignore fools and respond with logical and rational arguments tempered with reasoning.

God says thus in the Holy Quran
“Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and ye shall hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the book before you and those who worship many Gods. But if ye preserve patiently, and guard against evil, then that will be determining factor in all affairs.” (Holy Quran 3:186)

“And have patience with what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity). And leave Me (alone to deal with) those with possession of good things of life, who yet deny the Truth; and bear with them for a little while.” (Holy Quran 73:10,11)

“And the servants of Allah, the most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, “Peace!” (Holy Quran 25:63)

From the above sayings it is clear that when one’s religion is attacked, one needs to act with patience and dignity. Then one needs to engage in debates with rational arguments based on reasoning.

The arguments that the Prophet (pbuh) created the Holy Quran were countered with the following arguments. “He has been living amidst you for years. He has never uttered a falsehood. He cannot read and write. How can a person who cannot read or write create the Holy Quran which is in a poetic style? If you have doubts whether the Holy Quran is God’s revelation, bring a book that is matching in such poetic style as the Holy Quran.” The Prophet (pbuh) directed the poets among his followers to respond to these fault-finders in a poetic form.

Hence when the principles and religion we follow are attacked, we should not be guided by our emotions and take law into our hands. Instead, we should approach it in a rational and logical manner. We should be able to identify and expose those who are criticizing for the sake of publicity. In case there is some truth in what those detractors say, then we should also be willing to accept the truth.   

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